Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
St Aldhelm’s Academy PSHE program is designed to make sure that all students are prepared for life outside and beyond the academy. The PSHE curriculum is designed so that information is appropriate to the age level and builds upon previous learning.
What our PSHE curriculum covers, for each year group, is as follows:
Key Stage 3
PHSE Themes |
Topic Covered |
Year 7 T1 Health and Wellbeing T2 Relationships T3 Living in the Wider World T4 Health and Wellbeing T5 Living in the Wider World T6 Living in the Wider World |
Transition and Safety Diversity Developing skills and aspirations Puberty and Change Drugs in Society and Risk Taking Drugs in Society, Risk Taking and Living by the Sea |
Year 8 T1 Relationships T2 Health and Wellbeing T3 Health and Wellbeing T4 Health and Wellbeing T5 Living in the Wider World T6 Living in the Wider World |
Equality and Relationship Mental Wellbeing First aid, Drugs and Peer Pressure Relationships and Sex Education Careers and Finance Digital Literacy |
Year 9 T1 Relationship T2 Health and Wellbeing T3 Health and Wellbeing T4 Living in the Wider World T5 Living in the Wider World T6 Living in the Wider World |
Equality and Relationship Mental Wellbeing Drugs, Gangs and Peer Pressure Careers and Employability Skills Finance Respectful and Intimate Relationships |
Key Stage 4
PHSE Themes | Topic Covered |
Year 10 T1 Relationship T2 Health and Wellbeing T3 Health and Wellbeing T4 Living in the Wider World T5 Relationships T6 Living in the Wider World |
Equality and Relationship Mental Wellbeing Exploring Influence Financial Decision Making Healthy Relationships Work Experience |
Beyond the PSHE program
Our PSHE program is complemented with our tutor and assembly program. Throughout the year we will invite guest speakers into the academy to continue students' understanding and education to life beyond the academy.
The academy has also bought into a Lyfta program. Lyfta is a program which has been created to create a culture consciousness. It tells stories, through short texts and videos, to exposure our students to how other people live around the world. The aim of watching the videos, and reading the texts, is for students to discuss other people’s experiences as well as building understanding and awareness for the lives lived in other cultures. To find out further information about Lyfta please follow this link to their website Lyfta: Stories that connect us
Relationships and Sex Education Statutory Guidance
The Government states that it is mandatory for relationship and sex education to be taught in all schools. Parents have a right to request that their child is withdrawn from sex education, but not from relationships education. Parents need to write a letter to the principal stating that they wish their child to be withdrawn from some or all of sex education lessons or complete the form below.
Withdraw from sex education lessons