We believe that home learning is important and will support all pupils in achieving the success they desire in subjects across the curriculum. Teachers at St Aldhelm’s Academy will set regular home learning that is appropriate for the age and stage of all students. Our home learning prepares learners, applies knowledge and extends understanding.
Year 7 and 8
To support in the setting and completion of home learning this year, maths and English will be on Sparx and Science will be look cover write check using knowledge organisers found on SharePoint link below:
Year 9
Year 9 will be carrying out Sparx for maths and English then for Science, Geography, History and Spanish, they will be carrying out ‘look cover write check’ using the SharePoint link Below:
Year 10
Year 11
SPARX – Maths Homework
All of our students will be completing their Maths homework with ‘Sparx Maths’. Sparx is an exciting online platform that offers every student a personalised Maths homework.For help on how to setup a SPARX account please see our guide:How students setup their SPARX account
Students can log into Seneca using their Microsoft account exactly like they do for Sparx, you can find support here:How should my child be using Seneca? | Seneca Learning Help Center
KS3 Knowledge Organisers
To access the St Aldhelms KS3 Knowledge Organisers you will need to be logged in to your School Microsoft Account